Photo by E Snyder Photography
Couples MUST apply together for their Marriage License/Intent to Marry. The Officiant does not supply your marriage license to you, or apply for your license in the State of Maine. Couples will receive their paperwork and unsigned license upon completion of application.
Couples planning to marry in Maine must first fill out an Intent To Marry Form as outlined below:
Residents of Maine you will complete the "Intent to Marry" form at their local town office or city hall you reside in. Couples who maintain different residences in Maine must apply in one of the towns/cities of residence. If one of you resides in Maine and the other resides out of state, you both will apply in the Maine town your partner resides in.
Out-of-state residents can apply at any Maine town office or city hall. Most locations are only open Monday-Friday please check with your town for their days and hours of operation.
Your Intent to Marry license is valid in any community in Maine and is valid for a period of 90 days from the date your intentions are filed with the town/city clerk.
The Intention to Marry form is a legal document and you are responsible for providing the information needed to the town clerk when applying. Forms MUST be completed in BLACK ink only.
The fee to apply is $40 due at the time of application in most towns. If you wish to have a copy of your license to be sent from the town once the form has been finalized by your officiant the town clerk fee is typically an additional $15 per copy then $6 for each additional copy paid to the town of origin. I would recommend requesting this at the time of completing your initial application at the town office.
If either party has been previously married, a certified (raised seal) death certificate or divorce decree of the last marriage must be submitted at the time of filing the Marriage Intentions form with the town clerk. A record of divorce that is not in English must be translated into English by a disinterested 3rd party at the applicant's expense. Proof of identity will be required at the time of application.
Couples must present the officiant with their license provided by the town/city prior to your wedding ceremony taking place.
The following individuals are authorized to perform marriages in Maine:
If the officiant is a resident of this state:
1. A justice or judge
2. A lawyer admitted to the Maine Bar
3. A marriage officiant licensed under Title 5, section 90‑G •
Whether the officiant is a resident or nonresident of this State and whether or not a citizen of the United States:
1. An ordained minister of the gospel
2. A cleric engaged in the service of the religious body to which the cleric belongs
3. A person licensed to preach by an association of ministers, religious seminary, or ecclesiastical body.
A nonresident of Maine who has a temporary registration certificate issued by the Maine CDC Vital Records office.
After Your Ceremony
Your officiant (not you or a friend or family member) must file your license with the town or city of origin within 7 days of your ceremony.
You will need to prepay for and/or request copies of your filed license at the town/city you originally applied in once the license completed license has been processed by the town clerk. The cost is $15-20 for the first copy and $6.00 for additional. You will NOT receive a copy of your marriage license once it is filed with the city/town unless it is prepaid for or you inquire at the time of application on how to obtain an official copy. The original application fee does not include any copies of your valid marriage license.
You must have two witnesses sign your license after your ceremony as the signature and required information of the person who officiated your ceremony.
The information provided here is for general use and is subject to change or updates without notice. Please see the "Maine Gov" website link above for the most current details, rules, and laws regarding getting married in Maine.